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Friday, April 07, 2006

A study of Teen Film (Teen comedy)

The genre:

Teen films which can also be called teen comedy is a film genre in which the plot is based upon interests targeted at a teenager, such as gross-out parts and sexual themes involving teens. All stories of teen films based on American teenagers’ lives and relationship, and all comedy elements of teen films American teenagers’ immature values and mistakes of sex, love and friendship. such as a part in American pie a teenager boy grab a plastic cup from nightstand and ejaculate into the beer, but later first couple leaves, another couple come in, after delivering several cheesy lines, another pauses to refresh himself, reaching for the plastic cup that is now back in its original position on the nightstand. He takes a big gulp and swallows hard and scowls Perplex by the strange taste of the beer, moment later, the boy has his head over a toilet bowl, retching desperately in an effort to spit out every drop of the semen hr drank, as Belton (1998) noted as a matter of fact, sex is almost a mandatory element in teen comedy. Furthermore, most teen films present porn business, such as blue movies, adult magazines and prostitutes, every teen films present obscene word and alcohols. However, for comedies, all teen films have a happy end.

Some critics think the teen film is a shallow and cynically complacent film genre, it offers charm without the intelligence, it infusing a sense of humor that deepens the sex and gross-out. Williams (2004) noted joining teen films as youth-oriented media vehicles chock full of sexual content, and the content of the films was sometimes so bawdy that it created unique challenges for the executives who ran the studios. However Teen comedy is one of the most popular film genres, and some people think these films could reflect real lives and teenagers also can learn and rethink their conception of the relation in between sex and love, the friendship, and the honesty.

1. American pie :

American pie is a landmark teen film. The stories of American pie centre around four American high school lads make a decision to lose their virginity by prom night which only three weeks away. Sex is their prime objective, however, at the end the four boys discovered more important values from sex, such as friendship, honesty and love.

2. Euro trip:

Euro trip is another style Teen Film (teen comedy). The comedies based on teenagers take journey to gain their demand. After graduated from high school, a couple of friends decide go to Europe in order foe one of them (Scott Mechlowicz) to meet his German Internet girlfriend. However, they realize that their trip is going to take longer than anticipated and they spend a lot of time drink, partying and cavorting in sexual things. At the final they learn from the trip and several mistakes, then help Scott meet his internet girlfriend.

3. The girl next door:

The girl next door is most disputed film in Teen Film (teen sex comedy) genre. A teenager's dreams come true when a pretty girl moves in next door. Although the girl in next door was a porn star, but they overcome the problems and fall in love. The love plot of this film based on a virtuous student and a porn star which is the most disputed element, but this film makes audience think the relation and the differences in between sex and love after laughing.

Ideological perspectives

Teen films reflect several obvious ideological perspectives of American teenagers’ lives and moral standard, and values of sex and love. Firstly, All teen film use sexual themes and most of them mentioned porn business, such as blue movies, adult magazines and prostitutes. Such as friendship in American pie has another meaning, which is sharing blue movies, in Euro Trip American boy enjoy the porn business in Amsterdam, and the boy fall in love with a porn star in The girl Next Door. The dream of every high school male students is to meet a porn star. And with the mainstreaming of pornography over the past few years, it was inevitable that a movie about such a subject would be made (quote from internet http://www.haro-online.com). The girl Next door, American Pie series and Euro trip all reflect the dangerous values and moral standard of teenagers have in real society, which is they looking forward have sex more than a real love relation. Gunter (2002) discovered The United States has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in the industrialized world. By the middle 1990s, one in four pregnancies occurred to mother under 20 years .Social statistics for the United State have indicated that by the age of 20.70% of females and 80% of males have had sexual intercourse.

Secondly, most film present obscene word, and Sex-Alcohol Connection. Such as In Euro Trip after a girl drunk in a Disco of East Europe, she almost have sex with a stranger, and in American Pie, most of the sex takes place at either a party at Steve Stifler’s house in the city or the after-prom party he host at the family cabin on the lake. Williams (2004) noted Alcohol can reduce a person’s inhibitions and thereby help propel her or him into an unplanned sexual encounter that the individual later regrets. Youth media products of the 1990s frequently depicted this potentially hazardous connection. And obscene word such as “Fuck” could be found in every teen film. These two habits reflect the bad habit of teenagers in real society. “By suggesting that alcoholism is simply a "bad habit" rather than a biopsychosocial disease, the ABC special has unnecessarily brushed aside years of valid, science-based research and information. Alcohol, like heroin and other illicit substances, is an addictive drug. Over time, its use can lead to craving and impaired control” and “Swearing a bad habit that anyone can, and should, break, like smoking." ( quote from internet “ Alcoholism far more than just a “bad habit”)

Moreover, most comedies element of teen films comes from American teenagers’ immature values and mistakes of sex, love and friendship as above mentioned in American Pie and this feature reflect in American society teenager looking forward to have sex relationship but they are lack in knowledge of sex and do not pay enough attention on problem may occurred by sex relationship. Gunter (2002) noted teenagers is believed to encourage early onset of sexual behavior and contributes, in turn, to the growth in unwanted teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted disease. One in seven of these individuals has contracted sexually transmitted disease- in some cases AIDS

However, The genre is a comedy genre, therefore every Teen comedy has a happy end. In American Pie the four lads discovered the value from sex and understand friendship and love, In Euro trip the teenagers learn from their mistakes and spree in the journey, then help their friend to find his girlfriend. In The Girl Next Door at the end, Matthew understand what is real love, help and fall in love with Danielle who was a porn star. Evans (2003) discovered in the United Sates and Britain it is now the case that half of all marriages will end in divorce. Therefore, these all happy ends in teen films send a message to audience especially teenagers, like the parents today always try to teach their children happiness end in the real life is also from understand and find real love. As Evens (2005) suggested individualized love as an emotion which seeks, in an unselfish way, the best for those concerned and is never compromised by selfish or worldly interests.

In brief, the film genre- Teen Film or Teen Comedy (particular in American Pie, Euro Trip and The Girl Next Door) which have common factors as use gross-out parts and sexual themes involving teens to make humor is a good example of media reflect teenagers’ ideological perspectives in American culture or American society, Which are American teenagers looking forward have sex more than a real love relation; bad habits surround them such as swearing and drinking alcohols; lack in knowledge of sex and do not pay enough attention on problem may occurred by sex relationship; and also adults today always try to teach their children to understand and find real love instead of just interested in sex relationship in American society . Furthermore, society should discoverer the problems from ideological perspectives, and overcome the problem, educates teenagers in more positive lives and moral standards.

List of popular teen films:

10 Things I Hate About You
American Pie
American Pie 2
American Wedding
The Breakfast Club
Dazed and Confused
Dude, Where's My Car?
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
The Girl Next Door
Ken Park
Mean Girls
Not Another Teen Movie
Varsity Blues
Road trip
Euro Trip
The Girl Next Door